Sunday, March 18, 2012

Springtime Inspiration

This past week, every weather man and woman in the District of Columbia has incredulously reported *almost* record high temperatures for the month of March and the end of a very mild winter. The weather has been gorgeous, and for a Texas girl, a comfortingly normal temperature for the beginning of March. And because of this crazy Maryland weather, every news man and woman in the District has been discussing the peek bloom date of the cherry blossom trees which is coming early this year.
So after many weeks spent holed up in our apartment, too lazy to make the hour long trek into DC, Ben and I decided to drive to the city and spend the 40 grueling minutes to find a parking spot in the over-crowded Mall. We've been here almost a year (well for Ben it's been over a year), and we still had not seen the Jefferson Memorial or experience the cherry blossom trees in full bloom. Of course, it was totally worth it to almost have a heart attack in that awful traffic yesterday because the flowers were gorgeous.
Our Saturday was filled with cheerful people, clear skies, fragrant flowers and the long awaited warmth of the sun on our faces. It gave me inspiration. Spring is amazing. Everything is new and fresh and hopeful. It's the perfect season for weddings and the perfect season for new life. I am getting fidgety with the excitement of getting to plan a spring wedding surrounded in fresh blooms, bright skies and young love.

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