Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday Fun Day

On Black Friday, while everyone was running around trying to get the  most amazing deals for Christmas, Ben and I were enjoying the sun.  It was just too perfect of a day to be standing in line in the mall.  It was too perfect of a day not to capture the glorious sun and the brilliantly colored trees (which, by the way, Texas usually never has)! So, we went outside and starting practicing shooting the light.  We started early so we could capture good lighting during the middle of the day- that didn't work.  So we stayed and kept shooting, and we finally got some pictures we liked!

I still can't get over how absolutely BEAUTIFUL this fall has been! I didn't see these kinds of colors in Maryland where I was supposed to see them last year.  Instead I'm blessed with moving back to a state with family, friends and fall leaves!!

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