Saturday, November 17, 2012

Christmas Time is Here at the Kaye House, and I Don't Care Who Knows It!

Every year, at the Kaye House, the Christmas decorations go up the weekend before Thanksgiving so that we can start the Christmas cheer a little early.  I, being the eldest daughter (I'm kidding: that really has nothing to do with this phenomenon), usually take it upon myself to get the garland up on the bannister.  This year, since us Carpenter's are currently storing ourselves (and our junk) at my parents' house, I decided to try putting all of this together myself... hahaha.

The scene above (along with probably 8 or 9 strands of garland) is something I stared at for about two hours Friday morning, trying to remember which strand went where.  Finally I put the garland up. And after many OCD moments of trying to make them even and accurately spacing them out, I checked Facebook.. just kidding. I checked Pinterest.  Hey! A girl's gotta have recipes in place for dinner at all times, and maybe I was also looking through fashion and photography pictures. :)

And at about 2:50 pm, when Ben got home from work- all I had done is put the ribbon on two sections of garland... but it didn't take me us that long too finish it. Ben stood around and supervised and maybe fluffed some stuff.  And then I had to redo one of our bows being that it was far too smooshed to be of any use.
When my mom got home from work at 4:40 pm, I was just getting the Christmas tree out of the closet under the stairs (nobody lives there...sadly I don't own a Harry Potter).  So my mom and my dad got roped into putting in their own hard labor, aka, my dad fluffing more stuff and my mom vacuuming all the pine needles.  And after setting up 9 sets of garland, three Christmas trees, searching for 5 stocking holders and an angel we never found, this is how the house looked.


Okay, so that's not the whole house, but it's my favorite set of pictures.  I'm so in love with Christmas!
P.S: I did myself the immense favor of beginning my Christmas music binge.  It was lovely. 


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