Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wedding Planning... with Skype!

Over the past few months, I have been working on a dear friend's wedding.  She is super sweet and amazing, but she is also super busy.  She's a nurse and spends her days/nights working with adorable little babies.  She's also down in Fort Worth, TX, and well, I'm here... in Maryland.

So... we decided that it would be best if we set up a skype-date to better plan her wedding and have a face to face discussion about what both of us has accomplished up until this point.  It took a while to get coordinated, but finally we were able to both be at our computers at the same time!

It was absolutely amazing! I am so glad we finally did that because now I feel such a relief finally getting everything set out on the table rather than both of us assuming the other was getting emails/facebook mesages.  Thank God for modern technology! Now I feel like I really can plan any event from Maryland for as long as I have to!

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