Monday, October 8, 2012

Brown Bag Series Fall 2012

Happy Monday!
This lovely, amazing, beautiful, sunny (and highly worthy of a fall title), October day, I get to show and tell you about the amazing Brown Bag Series I went to last week.  As many people know (since I brag a lot), my sister is a dancer at Southern Methodist University.  Every semester, the students put on a lunch time show called Brown Bag.  It's my favorite show because every piece is so different and unique, and it's completely student choreography and student dancing!
This year, thanks to the amazing camera my husband got for me in February, I had the privilege of taking some pictures and practicing my dance photography skills.  The show was pretty amazing, and I'm not sure I quite captured all the amazing talent, but here are my favorite pictures.  

Ponchielli's Fantasia No. 3
Choreography by Aubry Neal
Music by Amilcare Pnchielli
Dancers: Morgan Beckwith, Hattie Haggard, Summer Myatt, Aubry Neal, Emily Reiff, Kelsey Rohr

Wake Us of Our Apathy
Choreography by Katie Schaible
Music by Matthew Bruemmer
Dancers: Monica Hernandez, Abby Marchesseault, Julie Kaye, Kelly Zitka

Wake Us of Our Apathy
Choreography by Katie Schaible
Music by Matthew Bruemmer
Dancers: Monica Hernandez, Abby Marchesseault, Julie Kaye, Kelly Zitka

Landscape Fare
Choreography by Tenley Dorrill
Music by Claude Debussy
Dancers: Sidney Anthony, Morgan Beckwith, Samantha Clark, Emily Perry, Raven Ross, Jasmine White-Killins

Choreography by Bre'Ann Berger and Lexi Stinger
Music by Philip Glass
Dancers: Bre'Ann Berger and Lexi Stinger

How to Make Dubstep
Choreography by Hattie Haggard
Music by Dubba Jonny
Dancers: Sidney Anthony, Camille Cucjen, Hattie Haggard, Kirsten Hamm, Meredith Jones, Kaitlyn Klena, Rachel Murrell, Tenley Dorrill, Alex Nowlin, Veronica Phillips

I love these girls

Choreography by Caitlin Heflin
Music by Bamorhea
Dancers: Megan Cotton and Dexter Green

Wake Us of Our Apathy
Choreography by Katie Schaible
Music by Matthew Bruemmer
Dancers: Monica Hernandez, Abby Marchesseault, Julie Kaye, Kelly Zitka

Powerful Stuff
Choreography by Sarah Padilla
Music by Sean Hayes
Dancers: Dexter Green, Sarah Padilla, Katie Schaible

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