Friday, September 7, 2012

San Diego: Fifty Nine Mile Drive

Today, after a very emotional post about my favorite sports team on the planet, I decided to also post the next section of San Diego pictures. 

The second day we were in San Diego, we headed out on a 59 mile tour of the city/county. It really gave us a cool glimpse of what San Diego is all about.
I just thought it would be a cool picture, but then the mirror was dirty. womp. womp.

USS Midway

A gift from Japan, apparently San Diego has a sister city there.

Rosecrans National Cemetery

Plumeria is one of my favorite flowers.  It smells amazing, and is always gorgeous. 

I've never seen Birds of Paradise grow randomly all over the place... except in San Diego.

I was pretty hungry by this point, and there was definitely a group of people having a barbecue... on a Wednesday... Afternoon!!! These people have too much fun.

Picture by the amazing Ben Carpenter

Seals sunbathing!!!

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