Monday, September 3, 2012

San Diego: Flowers at Balboa Park

As promised, I am posting about San Diego! The problem is that, between Ben and I, we took over 400 pictures (and that's without keeping any blurry ones!).  So there will be several installments of San Diego (or Sandy-Ego as Ben likes to call it) blog posts. Here we go.

The first day in San Diego, our hotel room wasn't ready for us, so we made our way to Nicky Rotten's for lunch.  It was a pretty cool place with awesome burgers and the most amazing Asian chicken lettuce wrap.  After lunch, we had some time to kill.  We heard that we needed to go to the San Diego zoo, but when we got there, I was instantly drawn to the beautiful rose gardens of Balboa Park.  Along the way, we spotted some gorgeous succulents and several flowers that I can't quite identify (they looked like alstromeria to me.)  Here are the flowers of Balboa Park:


As you can see, I am completely obsessed with these flowers.  And these are only the flowers we saw the first day! Needless to say, we never made it into the actual zoo.  I can't wait to post more pictures soon!

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